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Complete your scrubs ensemble with a classic, feminine solid-colored nursing jacket. Available in a spectrum of professional colors and a host of flattering silhouettes, solid warm-up scrub jackets make for a great way to ward off the cold as well.
Ever so versatile, these women’s solid scrub jackets are not only a chic way to top off your uniform, but also a great way to keep those goose bumps at bay. During the slightly chilly fall and spring days, or when the air conditioner is on full blast, cozy up with one of these lightweight medical jackets, in order to continue providing patients with your signature warmth. Jackets are available in an incredible array of code compliant colors, and feature fashion friendly styles and fits you’re sure to find convenient. Sporty zip ups, chic button downs, elegant princess seams, and comfy knit cuffs are just some of the many features you’ll find. So choose the color that’s right for you, and embrace the warmth that’s headed your way.
Need help in figuring out which jacket is right for you? No need to worry! Our friendly sales staff will be happy to assist you in choosing that perfect uniform jacket that will keep you warm and comfortable. Give us a call at 888.56.SCRUBS- We are here to help!
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